- Who we are
SOS Children’s Villages of BiH is a humanitarian organisation that takes care of children and young people without parental care and gives them a chance for a happy childhood and a better future. In SOS families, with brothers, sisters and SOS parents, children grow up in a family-based environment with parental love, because every child deserves to belong somewhere, to be loved and safe.
SOS Children’s Villages of BiH have been operating in BiH since 1994 and are part of SOS Children’s Villages International, international organisation that has been operating for more than 70 years in 136 countries around the world, on 5 continents.
Transparent systems of reporting and monitoring the use of funds enable us to ensure that the donated funds are used in the most efficient way.
Key policies and guidelines enable us to use our resources effectively, meet legal requirements and learn from our experience so we can do the best for children.
The employees of SOS Children’s Villages in BH actively contribute to the development of our Organisation with their creative ideas, revealing a new perspective on things. We truly believe that our different opinions encourage progress and strengthen community – the one in which we achieve our common goals with our different ideas and creative freedom.
Becoming a Committed giver means that you continuously donate monthly to families living in SOS Children’s Villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Our work
Becoming a Committed giver means that you continuously donate monthly to families living in SOS Children’s Villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Committed giving
- Donations from companies and institutions
By providing financial support, our corporate partners ensure the coverage of part or all of the annual costs of the key programs of SOS Children’s Villages of BiH. In accordance with your possibilities, wishes and commitment, you can support the annual costs of the SOS family or part of the costs for the purchase of food, hygiene products, school supplies, clothes and shoes, overhead or investment costs, medical costs, costs of the services of speech therapists, psychologists, and speech therapists.
➔ Learn more
➔ Our dedicated partners
➔ Campaigns with friendsWe cooperate with international organizations and multilateral donors, such as the United Nations and the European Union, as well as with national authorities and embassies to improve the situation of vulnerable children, their families and communities.
SOS Children’s Villages of BiH also contribute to the development of political frameworks, for example in the areas of development cooperation and social policy. We collaborate with partners who share our goals on numerous projects that put policy into practice.
- Publications
Copyright© SOS Children’s Villages BiH.
We allow downloading documents partially or entirely and further use, with full acknowledgement of the original source.
➔ Convention on the Rights of the Child
➔ Child Protection PolicyCopyright© SOS Children’s Villages BiH.
Downloading documents in their entirety or their parts is allowed, with the obligation to quote the original source.
➔ The situation of children in Bosnia and Herzegovina
➔ SOS Voices of Youth leaving care in BiHCopyright© SOS Children’s Villages BiH.
Downloading documents in their entirety or their parts is allowed, with the obligation to quote the original source.
➔ SOS CARE-Promise
➔ Safe and protected children
➔ About the SOS programme for young people YES Centre
➔ SOS Single ParenthoodBecoming a Committed giver means that you continuously donate monthly to families living in SOS Children’s Villages in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- BA
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Trenutno nema otvorenih pozicija.
Sarajevo (1 pozicija)
Tuzla (2 pozicije)
Trajanje projekta: 3 godine
SOS Dječija sela Bosne i Hercegovine počinju sa implementacijom trogodišnjeg regionalnog projekata „YEEPYouth empowerment Enabling Prospects „Jaki mladi- Nova Perspektiva“, koji se financira od strane BMZ Ministarstvo za ekonomsku suradnju i razvoj Savezne Republike Njemačke i Hermann-Gmeiner-Fond Deutchland e.V.
Cilj projekta je unaprjeđenje izgleda za zapošljavanije i aktivnog učešća na tržištu rada ranjivih kategorija mladih ljudi, a projekta se pored Bosne i Hercegovine realizira i u Albaniji, Kosovu, Sjevernoj Makedoniji i Srbiji. Saradnik_ca na projektu aktivno podržava i zadužen_a je za logistički dio projektnog menadžmenta na lokacijama na kojima se projekt realizira. On/ona blisko sarađuje sa rukovodiocem projekta i bavi se pitanjima sa fokusom na logističku, organizacijsku i stručnu podršku. Saradnik_ca na projektu osigurava dostupnost resursa u projektu,
transparentno upravljanje i dokumentiranje na osnovu zahtijeva metodologije projekta, te pravovremeno i transparentno izvještavanje prema menadžeru_ici projekta.
Job application
The employees of SOS Children’s Villages in BH actively contribute to the development of our Organisation with their creative ideas, revealing a new perspective on things. We truly believe that our different opinions encourage progress and strengthen community – the one in which we achieve our common goals with our different ideas and creative freedom.
Knowledge is the key to success – and through our work we always try to provide quality education and training to the children and young people in our care so as to become successful people in the future and contribute to society. We are guided by the same principles guide in our relationship with our employees. Each employee has the opportunity to improve their knowledge and skills based on their preferences and position. Our long-term employees are the driving force of internal training. Although we are mostly focused on internal education capacity, we also support employees to gain knowledge through external courses and schools.
When the goal is to provide children with a safe and carefree childhood, then it stops being only a job, it becomes a life’s calling. In SOS Children’s Villages in BH, we value commitment and loyalty and we always find ways to mark important anniversaries.
Our employees work together in a spirit of understanding and trust, teamwork is encouraged as a generator of new ideas and plans to improve the lives of the children, youth and families we support.
We value potential, effort and results, so our employees have an opportunity for advancement within the Organisation.